For young toddlers

young toddlers must be able to walk or walk with assistance to attend Level One curriculum

Give your little one extra confidence to move, groove, and speak! Level One classes allow young toddlers to explore new movements, objects, and words, while learning basic music concepts. Families also discover how to create better daily routines with music.

What to expect…

Object Exploration

From hoops to mirrors to harmonicas, you and your toddler will explore new objects together to help boost fine motor skills and other key milestones.

Basic Music Concepts

Tap, tap, tap...Level One students will learn how to keep a steady beat and experience opposites in music, such as high/low and fast/slow.

More Complex Songs

You’ll take it up a notch and enjoy singing songs with your little one that include motions, repeated words, and different meters and modes.


Ready, set, move! Toddlers begin to develop control over small and large body muscles through fingerplays, circle dances, and creative movement.

What you’ll learn…

Body Awareness

As toddlers move in different ways, they begin to understand their own bodies and develop self-control of movement.

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Toddlers begin to develop basic gross-motor skills and coordination, as well as better control over fine-motor movement.

Math and Language Fundamentals

Toddlers begin to recognize patterns in music and have an increased sense of steady beat, both skills linked to math and language.

Sign up for a Level One class today…